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Rainbow in Korean + All of the Colors in a Rainbow

By August 21, 2020 No Comments

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Colors are important to learn in any language as colors exist all around us and are often talked about. Think about clothing for example: if you are speaking with someone about a clothing item, odds are you will need to use a color to describe it. So, today’s lesson will be about the colors of the rainbow in Korean. This will make you remember these 7 colors so that you can add them to your Korean language arsenal!

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How To Say Rainbow In Korean

This is how you say rainbow in Korean: 무지개 [moo-ji-gae]

Rainbow in Korean

How To Say Different Colors in Rainbow In Korean

This is how to say the seven different colors in a rainbow in Korean.

빨강, 주황, 노랑, 초록, 파랑, 남, 보라

[bbal-gang], [joo-hwang], [no-rang], [cho-rok], [pa-rang],[nam], [bo-ra]

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, indigo and violet (purple).

Sample Sentences Using Rainbow in Korean

무지개에는 7가지 다른 색이 있어. [moo-ji-gae ae-neun eel-gob-gga-ji da-reun-sek-ee it-sseo].

There are 7 different colors in a rainbow.

비가 온뒤에는 무지개를 볼 수 있어 [bee-ga on-dui-ae-neun moo-ji-gae-reul bol-soo it-sseo].

You could see a rainbow after the rain.

Of you might be lucky enough to see a double rainbow! 🙂

Other Colors in Korean 

Pink – 분홍색 – bun-hong-saek

Purple – 보라색 – bora-saek

White – 흰색 – heuin-saek

Orange – 주황색 – juh-wang-saek

Yellow – 노란색 – nor-an-saek

Blue – 파란색 – paran-saek

Red – 빨간색 – bbal-gan-saek

Green – 초록색 – cho-rok-saek

Black – 검정색 – geom-jeong-saek

Brown – 갈색 – gal-saek

Did you notice that in EVERY color, the word ‘색’ ‘saek’ is at the end of the word? This means ‘color’. So essentially, purple color, red color, blue color, etc.

For many Koreans who try to learn English as a second language, this is a hard  thing to stop saying. You’ll often hear people say a color, followed by the word ‘color’, which sounds redundant in English, but is just the way that it is said in Korean.  🙂